Sunday, February 2, 2020

Around the world Series, premier: Pilot

Ralph woke with yet another headache from his constant head shaking countless times as he had a cock rammed into his new body... It's been a whole month, since he was left behind by his ex. His only relief was the view from the bed against the window. He lost everything that was his old life & was given new life as Tigerr. His name was well known all around. Not a single person he met could understand his English, so he devised a plan to learn the language of his new environment in order to be free of his cursed life.

As he laid in bed completely naked & presenting himself, waiting for the current man who smiled at him, he saw a phone & even though his hypnosis did not allow him to use it, he knew that when this man was done with him, he'd be able to call the police of Thailand & call for help, so he could be found & return home to the states... Soon this nightmare would be over. Wouldn't it...?

"Excuse me. Ms. K-" *meditating* The woman shrinks back slightly. "I do apologize for disturbing you, but it was an emergency. It seems a call was made to the Thailand police early this afternoon about a man becoming a woman against his will & an American Agent has been sent to investigate his claims. The woman answers to... Tigerr. Who speaks fluent American English & until recently Thai." If there's anything I hate, it's a cheating man, even more so, when a man is ungrateful for being given such mercy for a simple life."Well... It seems this little kitty discovered her claws... This won't do at all. Hmm? Tell me, baby V. Who have they assigned to his... Particular case?" I enter my sister's meditating room to speak more clearly. "They've assigned Agent Adrian Herrera... I've downloaded his file to your computer. He's apparently an eager hotshot, looking to make a name for himself. He's taken down many threats in illegal trading & hostage negotiations & has even closed a hand full of cold case files." I rise from the floor & head to my chair, to face baby V, with a smile. "Let's get tigerr on a plane to... China. If she she truly wants her life back, I'm sure she'll be more than happy to learn a new language once more... As for this Agent Adrian Herrera, hmm? I seem to like his fire. Let the games begin... My dear." 

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