Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fan Art

"Art is more than a gift... It's a privilege. You use it for the good of humanity. Thats what I was taught by the late Denny O'Neal He and I didn't really see eye to eye on the subject of art, however isn't that was art is... Subjective? Open to interpretation by the views of others? I myself was given the same talent as my mentor, but my mind leaned torwds more the riskay & the what if's" I look upon my newest creation as I post it online for the world to see. I watch the number of views go from zero to 500 in the blink of an eye & with that, I wish he could see my hard work flourish, but I know he sees it. He can see the numbers rise higher & higher as the views continue. "Art is in the eye of those who choose to view it that way, my friend." I can hardly wait to see you continue to gain world wide views as you help me continue my new web comic series. "Fallen Amazon." To be immortalized by those who ache to see younluve on is a dream practically unreachable, but you'll truly live on in my work. My world feeling everything I write & draw you out of my mind. "Oh Danny, if only you were more understanding of my guilty pleasures for sexaul fan art, but let's be honest. You only needed a different angle. Perhaps with my help from Harley & Ivy, you'll all see yourselves as the world does... Fan art."

Dedicated to Danny

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