Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Mystery of Elizabeth Olsen Chapter 3

 *trips & squeals, falling on to Luke* "Oh my gosh. Please don't hurt me." What the hell was I thinking I could take on a man like this. I've put 2 lives in danger. *grunts* "Please don't be afraid. I'm just an electrician." She smells beautiful. Get it together Luke. You're both blind as bats.  "Are you the owner of this house Ms.? That's all I need to know." That and if you're single. She feel good too. Oh snap out of it. "I am... My name's Ad- Ang... Elizabeth? I'm still on top of you please forgive me." Wow. I can feel his muscles through his uniform. Oh my gosh, I've got to get off him. I'm getting wet. *gasp* "I'm so sorry about this. Really I am." Snap out of it. It's bad enough you're in a celebrities body, now you're turned on by some stranger? Ugh! "It's ok Ms. I'm not hurt, are you though?" *gets up* "Allow me to help you up." She's just as scared as I was. Poor thing. Hope she didn't see me scared though. "Thank you, sir." Man am I lucky. He doesn't seem to recognize me yet. "If you can tell me where the breaker is, we'll be able to get it on...- *stammers* I mean your power back on." Luke you numb nuts. *giggles softly* "Uh. I'll be honest. I don't think I'm sure. I'm guessing the basement?" So glad it's dark. His comment made me blush. "I'll get my bag & check the basement then. Be careful Liz." So glad it's dark otherwise she would have seen me blush. "I'm gonna be a moment. I need to change. I'm only wearing an sweater-" *stammers* "I mean... *groans* Like he needed to know that about me.

  *                               *                                *

"I'm back, Liz. I'm gonna head into the basement." Just do your job & head out Luke, she doesn't need a stranger spending the night. *Sitting in front of mirror* Just try to remember you're not even, Angel anymore. You're Elizabeth Olsen. So the real you & your persona don't exist. *Coming down stairs* "I'm sorry if I took- Wow. I have a huge basement." *Flashlight clicks* "you certainly do. I take you're not the DIY kind of woman? Nothing to be ashamed of though." *winks* Did you really just wink to the customer, Luke? That's a harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. *clicks Flashlight* "Well, we can each take a side & I'm sure one of us will find it." *takes one side* Can't believe he winked at me. So cheesey, but he is cute. Wow... Elizabeth Olsen has so much stuff crammed down here. Not even this place is able to hold every room. Oh my gosh. Is that a Godzilla poster? It is & am Age of Ultron cardboard cut out too. "Woah! Oh crap!" *stumbles back falling* Great job Luke. Keep making yourself look good. If I keep this up, she'll think I'm trying to pick up a lawsuit. "Luke? I'm coming." *falls on to Luke* "Oh shoot. I'm sorry I keep hurting you." Oh my God, is he really getting turned on right now, like me? "I'm okay Liz. Believe me if this is you hurting me, it's totally worth it." Real smooth, Luke. Just get her off... Of you. *licks lips* "I... Think I know the feeling." *kisses* What the Hell are you doing? You're not a real woman & you're a celebrity at that. Pull away now! *pulls away* "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking." *licks lips* "Good idea." *kisses Liz* I'm not sure what came over her or myself, but we undressed one another, so quickly I doubt we were both in our right minds & just consumed with desire.

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