Sunday, April 21, 2019

Quick Chat 23

Hi Hi all! Oh yeah... It's Easter Sunday, which explains my crazy blue font. I couldn't find any cute enough bunny ears, but I did manage to find a colorful top for the Easter eggs. *giggles* & I can bounce. Bunny ears or no bunny ears. Try not to get too attached to the font color, you see this isn't permanent, however... Given the day we or rather some of us who choose to celebrate Easter Sunday. The meaning to those who may not know already is about new beginnings... It's quite a lot to take in isn't it? Change. New Beginnings... If I'm honest, I don't like change. Ironic isn't it? *sighs* It's true. I don't exactly welcome change. Perhaps it's because it doesn't come the way I want, but when does it ever for any of us, right? :) I've gained a total of 9 sisters in just one day of last year & this year gaining another lovely sister, Mia. Since growng to 10. I've been clinging to them ever since. I love them & do not wish for that to change, unless it is to grow of course. Nevertheless, change will occur, with or without us. I tell myself this as Mia remimds me that everything changes & it comes at a price. For those of you like myself, that dislike or fear change. Prepare & Be ready. Sometimes it'll hurt, sometimes it'll feel amazing! In any case. For those of you with families, whether by bond or blood, friendship or sisterhood. Be there for each other. Love each other. Change is inevitable... Yes, I know. I'm not one to give tips or advice. I'm no more qualified, then Kim Kardashian is, to perform plastic surgery- Well ok she's been under a few more times then most, that she might have some knowledge by now, so bad example. *giggles* Alright, Alright. My bad joke for the day. As always though, be safe all.

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