Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Quick Chat 30.3

Well Hi Hi all! It's great to be here again. I've been approved to actually be a tenant. I so excited. *giggles* scared as well, I've never adulted before... (Adult-ing: A word/term used to describe a person having to become responsible for others or one's self in life.) It's a fairly big step for me. Also

On lighter news, like the skirt? It was a gift from my adoptive sister Karen. Thank you sis. Quite an event has happened while I posted some caps & a couple of continued Q.C's or Quick Chats, well three as a matter of fact. I've finally reached & even surpassed the 100,000 views! Woo-Hoo!!! I've also just passed my anniversary of my first public caption from my own blog on July 27th. Hehehe. I also really need to thank you all & add a grateful thank you to my "19 subscribers." 😀 oh yeah, that's right, you heard correctly. 19...! 😃 in the very beginning I only had 5, from my loving sisters. From there, a total of 14 new faces joined in, including my newest sis Jess, who I introduced on July 4th. Btw, my sister's wanted to say thank you for making the time to visit the world I've created here. 😊

Well... As you well know, I'll be busy for quite a while & even be away from my sisters included. I'll come back to them as well as you all, with a possible extension to the cap "Around the world." An idea given to me by Karen. Owe you one, sis 😚 & more W.W.S's or World Wide Shift, based on my interpretation of the ever popular... Great Shift. My life is changing & admittedly it concerns me, however as we all know, we'll all come to new paths that takes us on both wonderful & unforgettable journeys. As always though... Be safe all.

*muah* 😘

1 comment:

  1. Hope things go great in this new step on your life Angel! :D
