Saturday, August 10, 2019

Quick Chat 30.4

Morning & Hi Hi all! *sighs* I hope my smile does not fade, but as I officially moved out of last night. It was one of most painful experiences to behold as I hugged my family. Granted I wouldn't be very far at all, but the bond I shared was quite heartbreaking as I was the last. I had also become more or less the caretaker & to put that responsibility on the back into the hands of the person who helped come into this world, wasn't my greatest joy. *sniffles* enough venting. I want to smile & you all as well. Just let me get dressed.

Now then. That's got me looking better. I want to make myself very clear one last time, so any possible new veiwers, won't be mistaken or feel mislead. I am Angel of Angel's Rising TG Captions. I only have one blog. My content when uploaded, will mainly consist of adult content. I currently have 19 followers "Thank you all" & well over 100,000 thousand views to my blog. That truly means a lot to me. 💓 As of now I'll be setting up my own place around & do want to say that I currently have caps on hold. 4-6 possibly, so you'll have something to look forward to after I've settled in. Be safe all! 😘

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