Friday, November 1, 2019

Quick Chat 40

Hi Hi all! It was a great Halloween, huh? Uh... I hope you all had a blast for the one night... I mean- heh... Something wrong? Do I have something on my face? Smudged make- *puts hand to face & gasp* Crap! I did get hit in the face. Darn it I was loving the terminator look too. Figures. I was never accident prone as a total human. I do adore this outfit... Excuse me while I go change.

*motorcycle engine revving* Hmm? I'm digging the look. Wanna guess why? That's right. Terminator: Dark Fate. Yeah, I know it goes against a lot of plots & story lines, but I'm still a geek at heart. 😁😎👓👽🔭💻🔬 I just hope you all approve the look. I always try to look my best for you all.

*reverse cowgirl's motorcycle* Now then, where was I... Oh right. Normally these Quick Chats allow me to express myself not just to my sister's, but in general because I'm shy in the beginning. I get to speak my mind & give my thoughts. What you or anyone else for that matter do is obviously & always up to you. Halloween has been around for so long, that the world has commercialized it, but it's become so fun from tge beliefs of each hollow eve's story. You scary movies. Scary stories. Legends & the ever popular dress up. It's literally the one night you get to be what you truly desire, with no judgement. Almost no judgement in some cases, but regardless.

I don't want to drag on... You see I was having some fun with filters, when one if tge filters feminized me... Quite to my liking mind you. There was an ad on the corner with the text saying... "Don't judge, just love." I thought it was sweet, when it hit me that this was still a Halloween filter. The point I guess I want everyone to try to remember is that

We live a world of so many different people trying to fit in or get by one another. Yeah there's progression & that matters too. Every little bit does. We only get one night to be whatever we want. One night is not always enough. For some it is & that's certainly ok as well. None of you are alone, so don't think you are for even a moment. I'm learning to enjoy life, even if it's not easy. My sister's make it so much bearable. 😄 So if you got sister's. Siblings. Family. Friends. BFF's or friends with a bond so tight, that loyalty makes them family. That's great. Stick close to those weirdos. They're the safe ones. 😄🎃🐵😂

Now then... I think I've said my fair share of openness. *grabs helmet* I gotta get going. Much to do. Let's see... Anything else? Oh yeah... Board game Wade. I'll choose a board game. I'm envisioning something roughly Jumanji styled. *engine revving* Be safe all! 😘

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