Monday, September 30, 2019

Brightened day

Adrian was on his way to work during the brightest day of the month & all he wished for wast the cloudest day a person could ever ask for. Like life though, sometimes all that needs to change is the perspective. "I hate this day! It's too bright & nothing has gone right this entire month. I keep getting hackled by my boss & now this stupid sun? Ugh!!!" Unbeknownst to Adrian I had been passing by & watched over him & heard his complaints. I wondered why on earth such a soul would bother to not try to see this day from another angle. I saw that he needed help & came to his aide. "Hello there. My name is Karen. Here take this flower." Thankfully he listened. Normally I'd  need to be more firm, but my features may have swooned him *Giggles* "Life is already difficult Sakiko. You musn't add on to it." Adr- or rather Sakiko to be more precise smiled. She took in a new fresh of breath air & smelled the scent of the flower.

She hugged me happily & adjusted herself as I walked away. I picked another flower & smiled at her new perspective from a distance. It isn't easy, but we all need help to see another point of view. Sakiko puts her flower in her purse & covers her face from the sun, but even now she spreads her fingers ever so much to smile at the Brightened day as well.


  1. I adore what you've done, and it brightened my day too, sis! ^^

    1. I'm certainly grateful that I've done that for you as well.
