Saturday, March 30, 2019

Quick Chat 21.2

Now where did I put that... !?! Is that my camera already on? *gasp* Oh! Hi Hi all. *Hops of sofa*

Um, just stopping by for a minor quick chat & a thank you to all. 50,380 views have been brought to my attention. I hope my thanks don't go unnoticed & a quick thank you to Karen. She was the help behind the widget addition to my blog, but I really want to thank you all once more, which also explains my celebratory attire. Nothing fancy really, I'm saving that for another time. 

*hops on to sofa, striking poses*

In the mean time, I hope this outfit meets your satisfaction as it does mine & if I'm honest, this was supposed to go up sooner. I was unable to at the time. That being said. I must keep my new looks going as I pick temporary forms for you. I had one already picked from my audience view & vanished. It happens, so I chose the runner up. I, however have decided to use both for this special occasion of mine.

Ahoj vsichni! Co myslis? Ceska je docela forma ne?

Hola hola a todos esta forma me es muy familiar. Gracias por esta forma opcional de Peru.

1 comment:

  1. A well-deserved congratulations to you, Angel! This blog has really grown from a fledgling brainchild into something special indeed. :)
