Sunday, February 2, 2020

Quick Chat 48

Hi Hi all! Am doing well as can be hope you're all as well as can be expected, the 2 previous post are hopefully the beginning of something really fun & gripping to see what may happen next. The story of "Around the world" came to me due to my incredible big sister Karen. I owe her so very much. As for The Mystery of Elizabeth Olsen, that was created by Mia & myself, that will be recreated by me... Mia was the one who taught me the emotional development of characters. I literally inserted my mind into the character created for this & can only hope it brings a variety of emotions as it did me. Until then, enjoy yourselves & be safe all. 😘


  1. Great start! I can't wait to see what happens next. ^^

  2. Anonymous2/24/2020

    Hi Angel! Hi Karen! :)

    It seems the promise of reposting our story together Angel has forced me out of my self induced search in real life temporarily to drop you two lovely people a line. I hope all is well, I am good also simply taking on the world.

    If there was any fear or anything of my opinion, Angel as always you have my full blessing and I can't wait to see what others think of the beautiful world we created in that story. I certainly hope you include the happy ending with a certain co star, I truly loved that happy ending after the bittersweetness of the initial thread.

    Regardless, hope this message finds you well and I want you two to know. You two are fantastic and truly lights that shine bright by doing what you love to do, so don't you dare stop. :)

    If I recall correctly Karen ends her messages with "ciao" so why not me also?

    Until next time, ciao. :)

    1. Anonymous2/26/2020

      Hmm, I guess I was a bit overzealous, perhaps now you can see my name and new email. Might of just gotten to excited to open up the line of communication.

    2. Unknown is still what appears, but it's great to hear from you. ✌😃😊

    3. Anonymous3/02/2020

      Sadly :(

      But if you girls want to reconnect or just want to chat my new email is :)
