Saturday, September 26, 2020

Around the world (series) Pt 2

So much to say, but so little time. Gonna be busy try to work on this particular cap series, including a requested cap I've put off for too long with other situations going on. Not to much TG in this one, but the subject is there. To understand some references, you'll have to travel back aways to 2 captions one from February 2nd & "around the world" on July 25, 2019. Enjoy & be safe all. 😘

 February 2nd. That's the date I started this cursed assignment. It'll be 8 months in 6 days & I'm no closer to solving the case than I was 4 months ago. Normally it take about 2 months or less, but this case is different. I given all the information possible on this kidnapped victims case, which the agency has dubbed the TG Files. It's own case file was put into its own office room, next to the X-Files. Those cases would be a dream to work on, compared to this one. I've come to Thailand with a translator by my side & well trained in various other languages, unlike myself. I only speak a little bit of everything. Not enough to carry on a conversation though. Bian Solada. She was kind enough to speak in English to me & teach me a few phrases to watch out for & speak correctly in terms of grammar, in case we became separated for any reason. Thailand as I was informed, is a place one must be cautious mainly for those who are outsiders like myself & tourist alike. I've been here for so long & have yet to find any clues that could lead me to the victim, now known as Tigerr. She or rather he if that is the case has not responded to the police of Thailand since then. I ask myself if it was just a prank call, but the odds of making a simple prank from all away around the world was awfully suspicious to have it lead to nothing. I only have a short time left before I'm pulled off the case & have to report this case as an unsolved case & to me that is what aggravates me the most. I didn't work this hard to have one case go unsolved by some devious hidden figure laugh & make me some joke. Prank or not. I was not gonna pussy out until I close this case or have found the truth.

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