Saturday, October 5, 2019

🎶Apart of that world!!!🎶 🌎

Aiden walked among the cobblestones reliving the outrage of the people ranting about the Little Mermaid beimg done not really for the purpose of live action, but for it's portrayal of a young black actress. Yes we grew up with a white redhead, but some people were so heated about this. Was it really the biggest of deals to tackle? He pondered this question & spoke out loud. "Mermaids are fictional creatures! Almost every culture has them. Whybon earth would race matter?! I wish for once people would just think before opening their mouths about such silly things." Unbelievably as all this was going on a very large orange coy fish was swimming along. It calmly swam up to Aiden & got his attention... He knelt down to admire the creature, when the fish actually spat out water splashing him in the face. Just as he backed away & dried his face he felt himself fall back. Unable to fully move his own legs. Try as he might Aiden felt tremendous weight bring down his legs. His vision was quickly coming back, only to see that his legs were gone & replaced by a giant white fish tail, with brightly orange spots. Aiden then saw a flash of red, that turned out to be his new lengthy red hair. Wide eyed & confused & took a breath to scream, astonishingly what came out of Aiden, wasn't a wail or shriek, but a magnificent & alluring octaves... 🎶Ahhhhh. Ahhhhh🎶 This brought Aiden's mouth closed shut. It didn't take long to hear a bunch of people clamouring together to find the source of the magnetic voice. Aiden panicked. Before even thinking what to do next, he saw a similar figure in the waters & threw himself in. With a simple splash, Aiden was gone as a crowd that heard his new voice came to the lake. They saw & heard nothing accept the the waves of the lake break..

Underneath the murky water, however Aiden saw correctly. She smiled at the mermaid as she urged her to follow & explore the watery world together... Rumors began surfacing of Mermaids with vastly different figures & features, that nobody believed or could simply comprehend. The waters were searched, but all that was ever seen was a smiple coy fish, wandering the waters.

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